Simone was project architect for kizikula and we owe him infinite gratitude for the love and energy he invested in co-creating with us. His room has an outdoor shower, is close to the pavilion and pool and has AC.
Simone is an architect with an enduring interest in the craftsmanship of the artisan, it allows him to remember tradition but at the same time be very experimental. He collaborates on highly bespoke small and medium scale projects with an on-site design-build approach.
Following is a text he loves that reminds him his time here:
‘’The island is a symbol of the center of rediscovered unity and protected peace. As a radical detachment from all that is human agitation, the island is an allegory of the isolation that presides over meditation, recollection and prayer. It constitutes a spiritual center, because of its inaccessibility by land. It can be reached either by sea or air: two subtle and spiritual elements.
Land surrounded by water, the island also has a meaning of fertility and reproduces the original situation, the intrauterine space, the primordial experience. An eminently feminine symbol, it is therefore the mother who carries her child in her womb and prepares it for its future earthly life. Everything agrees, therefore, in making the island the representation of the return to oneself, of fertile introspection, of the interiorization necessary for personal evolution.In the same way that the land welcomes the castaway, the island evokes the spiritual salvation offered to those who are lost or have been misled in the ocean of life.
In its negative aspect, the island shows itself as an exaggerated image of separation and, by a sort of inversion of its symbolic meaning, it then becomes a manifestation of sterile loneliness and non-communication. A land of exile, it becomes the wild and hostile prison of the excluded. The island, however, also retains in this way, on a symbolic level, a spiritual value of penance, expiation, awareness and therefore purification.
For all these reasons, the islands are in myths and legends the privileged scenes of extraordinary experiences.’’
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Simone bedroom
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